In yesterday’s Meeting of the Titans we had a Member in the HotSeat with newly found clarity on what she is particularly passionate about within the property development industry. As a general rule, we don’t accept early-stage start-ups into the Club, however, in this Member’s case she was already highly experienced in the property development industry and has a sizable portfolio of completed projects, with intentions of expanding on all of the above.
Since joining the Club, she’s been exploring her next moves and shared with us what they’re going to be and how excited she is.
Being in the HotSeat was the perfect time to unveil her plans and the Brains Trust offered their expertise, experience and suggestions, as well as many valuable contacts for private investment and introductions to people who have launched similarly new to market products and services super successfully.
She briefly shared her feelings of being a woman ‘in a man’s world’ within the property development industry and her intentions to clear that, giving her permission to operate in her full capacity.
Perhaps you can relate to having the voice in your head that points out why you’re not like everyone else, or the reasons why you might be limited in your success?
Or possibly have had that feeling of being an ‘imposter’ where you move into a new level of success at something and suddenly wonder exactly how you got there and if anyone has noticed or judged you yet.
The recollection of a similar experience that happened for me was right before I ran my first Club retreat. I thought “I’m off a farm, who am I to be running a retreat?!”
Thankfully I gave myself permission to be the fullest expression of me, reminding myself that everyone has their people that they serve, and haven’t looked back.
Emotion Code/Body Code sessions are a great resource to tidy up any of these limiting thought patterns that may be hanging around and unconsciously affecting our ability to show up in the World exactly as we’d like to. Some great info around Emotion Code and Body Code can be found on this page if you’re not already across it.