In yesterday’s Thursday HotSeat, the Member in focus shared his recent realisation that a personal situation that had happened a couple of years ago had been affecting his motivation and drive ever since.
He had realised that the passing of his Father and the effect of that on his Mother, had shaken him more than he had been aware of and that the subsequent loss of his mojo in life and business was a result of that.
As successful business leaders and family members, we can get good at compartmentalising different areas of life, perhaps putting how we feel to one side in order to fulfil our ‘responsibilities’. This may not even be a conscious thing, but something we naturally do, in an attempt to maintain normal function for the sake of everyone else.
Perhaps you can relate?
The thing is that we take ourselves and our hearts with us into everything we do, and if we’ve had the stuffing knocked out of us by something, there’s no way to ride over that and keep going indefinitely.
Eventually we will need to attend to our own healing in order to regain our happiness, passion and natural drive.
Just the awareness of what had been happening for him had liberated this Member, and the sharing from him to the group and vice versa, helped to unpack it even more.
The flow on effects of being open and honest with how things really are, is that everyone else gets permission to do the same, providing a space to process things and move forward in new and exciting ways.
We are privileged to be in a tight-knit group where we can share real conversations and the journey of life together. This was a heart-felt session that was relevant and valuable to all.
Wishing you a wonderful end to your week.
Real conversations
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