In this week’s Thursday HotSeat, we looked at self-confidence and how at different points in life and business some leaders feel less inclined to stride out with their head held high (regardless of the many amazing and impressive things they have likely already accomplished in their lives).
The Member in focus shared that he didn’t feel as confident as he would like in taking the next steps forward in his business with building a new team to leverage new opportunities.
Despite having achieved many successes, including building and managing a significant team of 35 people, his self-confidence was being tested and it was affecting his ability to take things forward in the direction that he’s drawn to.
It is not uncommon to experience moments of self-doubt, even for leaders who have achieved many great things (you may relate). Experiences, events, situations or unwanted outcomes can sometimes eclipse the memory of our victories with the shadow of uncertainty, even amongst the strongest of us.
Another Member in the session added how having children and a family to look after had essentially raised the stakes and was causing him to also question his ability and affect his certainty. Sometimes it’s our biggest loves that can have us question ourselves and our abilities the most.
I shared a process that I recommend to regain self-confidence in the moment and remember who we are. It goes like this:
Start a list in your phone and name it “My Achievements”, “My Successes” or something else that works for you.
Write down all your previous achievements and successes, including anything you’re proud of. You might be surprised by remembering how much you’ve achieved.
Visit this list each day for a few days or until you’ve reminded yourself of who you are and what you’re capable of, and add to it as you remember more achievements/successes.
This is a simple method, resulting very rapidly in most cases, in a confidence boost and increase in self belief. Try it for yourself 🙂
From experience, the simplicity fools most and so they don’t take the time to fulfil the simple exercises like this which support increased clarity and confidence.
As much of what is driving our behaviours is subconscious, where necessary, I also recommend people incorporate deep change work that identifies inner blocks, removes them and confirms that they’ve been removed.
For someone as accomplished and capable as you, your next challenge will be a piece of cake.
Wishing you a wonderful end to your week.