Whilst it can be comforting to know exactly what we are wanting to achieve in life and business, and why, often the most enjoyable experiences are through outcomes that materialise in a profound way, as we move forward trusting ourselves and our internal compass, putting one foot in front of the other.
Yesterday’s Meeting of the Titans was an exploration of the courage or trust it takes to keep moving forward in times where we are perhaps feeling our way through something, without a complete picture of the outcome or destination.
These instances are an opportunity to become more comfortable with stepping into the unknown and letting go of the part of us that desperately wants to know before we go.
It is an opportunity to lean in and trust ourselves and our connection to the divine, source, God, the natural flow of things, your internal compass (or whatever you like to call it) in the knowledge that whatever happens will be perfect.
And it allows for maximum growth and expansion beyond our current ways of thinking, which is pretty exciting if you, like me, are into upgrading your internal state, and observing the upgraded and expansive outcomes in your external experience