How do you choose between purpose and profit?
In yesterday’s Thursday HotSeat, we explored the importance of bridging the two worlds of purpose and profit in business. The Member in focus for this session is driven by passion and purpose to touch the lives of many children and their families through her business.
I would go as far as to say that she does what she does for the pure enjoyment and fulfilment of making a contribution to others. To the point that the figures and revenue model had taken a bit of a back seat to the mission of getting the products and services out.
With just a small tweak in perspective and some shared strategies, she is now placing more value on what she is doing and is excited about understanding and giving more attention to the figures, which will support her in making even more of a contribution, which you can appreciate, is important to her.
For some leaders, their business structure and momentum seem to necessitate them to choose purpose or profit. I’ve been there, choosing profit, not knowing how to access or allow purpose to be a driver.
However, a sweet spot exists where both purpose and profit work together to amplify each other, and that’s where real magic happens.
In the Club, I like to work with the 80/20 principal – 80% heartset and mindset, and 20% strategy to achieve our desired outcomes.
An example of the importance of heartset and mindset is that if you’re focused on living a life without compromise, and want to enjoy both purpose and profit (for example), it is key to feel worthy of and be aligned with all the good things that your heart desires, in order to make that your reality. This is no longer eastern philosophy.
We utilise scientifically tested and proven strategies used by multi-national organisations to support an improved heartset, resulting in an average of a 36% reduction in stress, 57% decrease in tension, a 20% increase in perception, and a 40% increase in productivity.
Understanding these strategies and utilising them, has purpose and profit meet, supporting next level success and deeper personal fulfilment.
Worth pondering 🙂