In yesterday’s Winning Strategies, the recent metamorphosis of the Club from Million Dollar Business Club into M Business Club became particularly relevant. Specifically our updated tagline ‘Deeper Fulfilment, Authentic Success’.
We explored the idea of authentic success as opposed to success as it is widely understood in society, and what it means to each of us. The sharing was heartfelt and wise, different for each person but with similar themes throughout.
The widely accepted version of success in society is largely based on financial gain. Let me use an example so that you can understand the gap I’m highlighting between societies accepted version of success and authentic success.
If I was to tell you of a guy who is really successful, you would probably think I meant that he had a lot of money or had made a lot of money. And even though I understand authentic success and it being preferred amongst those I know, if you told me a similar story of a guy who was really successful, I too would assume you meant financially.
However, I’m sure we all know people who are financially successful and yet not happy or fulfilled. In fact, money on its own simply amplifies what’s already there, which in many cases exacerbates a lack of joy and freedom, and can quite often show up as increased levels of control and domination.
The meaning of ‘authentic success’ is deeply personal and likely different for each of us. It’s a great concept to consider if you haven’t already, as the understanding of what this truly means to us gives us the navigation point by which to make life and business decisions to that end.
As one Member wisely shared as his thoughts of authentic success: “It’s doing the things you want to do and evolving as you go”.
Without this awareness and understanding, we are simply subscribing to someone else’s (or society’s) version of success. Steering ourselves to a destination which is not going to provide the rewards we are truly seeking or which provide deeper fulfilment.
Worth some thought.
Authentic success
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